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Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions about Space Control, Insight™ and Onsite™.
Click on the “Plus” button to reveal answers to the questions.

Can my customers pay online?

Yes. You simply add a payment link to your web page and assign your customer a PIN. When they enter that PIN we display their balance and rent paid-thru date, safely collect their credit card information, post the payment to their account, and email them a payment receipt.

I would like to save money by emailing invoices but I don’t have email addresses for many of my customers. How can I get more email addresses?

Space Control provides an option to email receipts and it allows you to input customers’ email addresses. You just ask your customer if they would like their receipt emailed and you’ll have their email address on-file for invoices and notices.

I have a busy store. Can I have two work-stations at the front desk? What is the charge for additional users?

You can run both Insight and Onsite on as many computers as you want at no additional charge. If you have a busy store, you can have three computers at the front desk and one in the back room, or as many more as you need.

We always seem to have problems when our system gets updated. How do your updates work?

Onsite is a Microsoft ClickOnce app. So, when you click on your desktop shortcut, it automatically updates in a matter of seconds. Insight is a web page so it always displays the newest version. The databases are on our internet server and get updated in the middle of the night without you having to do anything.

My office is in a different state from my storage locations. Can I access the same program that they do from my laptop?

Yes. You just select which store’s data you want to view and you can run the same program that is run at the storage counter. You can view accounts, enter payments, everything you could do at the store. If you want one store to be able to access data from another store, you can do that too.

I would like my store managers to suggest the rent raises they think we should implement but I want to review and approve them before the letters to customers go out. Is there a way to do this?

Store Managers can create a list of suggested raises and the reasons they feel some customers should not be raised. The Operations Manager can then review and make changes before scheduling the raise to actually happen.

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