
An all-encompassing management decision program, offers analysis capabilities helping owners and managers oversee multiple sites.

Manage your business from anywhere.

Insight will give you all the information you need, quickly and accurately. The software monitors key performance areas of your business and gives you an instantly understandable visual report, anytime, anywhere. A single keystroke from your computer, tablet, or mobile device gives you access to information that saves you hours of analysis. After a recent upgrade with new coding, the system is even more nimble, saving you time by reducing the number of clicks needed to expand the levels of data.

Insight business management decision program

What Insight, your business partner, does for you:

  • Monitors ten of the most critical performance essentials for your sites, whether one or multiple locations
  • Gives instant visual reports showing economic and physical occupancy, past dues, rent or fees waived, uncollected rents, rent raises and cash payments, and flags areas of concern
  • Tells you where to focus attention to eliminate weaknesses
  • Allows anywhere-, anytime-access to screenshot reports through secure Cloud technology
  • Allows online customer reservations, rental and payments from any device, including smart phones
  • Provides downloadable cash and accrual accounting details
  • Gives an incentive target to chart your progress
  • Sets up controls according to your preferences

Here’s how Insight improves your business

Insight gives you measurement tools

Insight uncovers the problem areas, and once you know what they are, you know what your action items are. If the delinquency rate is too high, you’ll know in seconds. Are rents being waived? Are there too many reversals?  With analyses done automatically, managers don’t have to spend hours wading through reams of data. The time saved can be put towards actually making profit increasing improvements.


Most visited and most valued, our Reports section has every level of detail needed by owners or staff. The Management Summary Report gives an overview of total revenue for the day. That may be all you need. For more detail, one click accesses Regional Totals, and another click takes you to daily totals with all transaction details. You can go back and see the End of Day for a previous day and two-plus years of End of Months. If a Summary number appears out of line, it’s easy to drill down to see who recorded it and why. No one leaves better audit trails than Space Control.

Insight business management decision program overview screen

Rate Management

Whether you want to set up a yield management program that sets prices for vacant spaces according to how many are available, schedule automatic annual rates for renters, or allow site managers to suggest rent raises that come to you for final approval, Insight puts Rate Management in your hands.


The software handles all the steps necessary to bring an account to auction. You make the final decisions.


Insight™ includes every detail for both Cash and Accrual accounting.


Know in an instant how each of your sites compare and where to concentrate your attention at each one. For single sites, you know which specific performance area to improve first. Good data means good decisions.


You determine how you want your business to run. You determine everything from rent raises to prorating to discount policies. With passwords, you can control who is allowed to reverse a payment or accept returned merchandise. Once set up, the software keeps it running your way.

Cloud Technology

The Cloud has changed the way we do business and handle data. Secure, efficient, easily installed, accessed and upgraded, cloud-based programs deliver greater collaboration, unlimited storage and flexibility.


Link pay to performance. Insight™ includes an employee incentive plan that considers every aspect of your business. If a plan emphasizes only one part of the business — like move-ins — delinquencies may go up. We use all parts of the business and even provide an adjustment for the physical site audit.


Export Cash or Accrual accounting reports to Excel. Or download all your space and customer data to analyze anyway you want.


Insight™ even helps you track the results of physical on-site audits and shows you results month to month..

What’s New

In its newest version, Insight allows you to go to the Bank Deposit report and with a single click collapse every day and see each day’s sub-totals and the monthly total. This also applies to the Cash Receipts Cash, Cash Receipts Accrual and Sales Journal.

Now you have the ability to sort by any of the fields in the report. For example, In the Accounts Receivable report, you can sort by those customers 31-60 days late. Or in Operational Variance report, sort by the type of variance or the user. There are many options!

Insight Bank Deposit Report

Space Control has also added a search field to most reports. Now instead of scrolling through a report looking for one customer, type in their name and all the information pertaining to that customer will come up. If you aren’t sure of the name, you can submit a dollar amount or other data, and Insight will give you all matching information.

Upgrades to the Batch Download include a new file format for faster downloads and the ability to edit and save multiple batch files. You can now individualize a query for each person who needs access or each unique situation. No need now to make changes each time you want different information or access to different sites.

When setting up a Site Exceptions to Business Rules you will be able to see the Company default rules on the same page. If the site rules are different from the Company rules, they’ll be highlighted.

Overview now has a Rent Raise History report.

Previously the system allowed you to enter a tax to three decimal places (6.255) but only displayed two places on reports (6.25). The system will now display to three decimal places on the reports.

Online Help! Questions on how something works? We’ve added a Help section at the top of the screen. Or contact our support department at 877-591-0455.


Insight gives you answers

Insight gives you answers

Get closer to your far away sites through better understanding from Insight. Is there a reason economic occupancy is low? Why has it been so long since rent increases were implemented? Is there potential mismanagement? Insight gives you answers in a matter of seconds. You can uncover profit leaks without leaving your desk.

Insight sends you a report card

Insight sends you a report card

With site-to-site comparisons on a single page, you know which sites are meeting your goals and which ones are falling short. You know which sites need to put in extra effort and in which areas. You gain valuable insight about your business and your priorities. Insight will tell you when something is working at one site so it can be implemented at the others. It allows you to test marketing concepts before committing expenditures at every location. Insight will tell you whether or not your training session paid dividends. It will also let you develop incentive plans, because it gives you a way to measure improvement.

Insight means better decisions

Insight means better decisions

You get real-time data, not last week’s history. You’re no longer reacting — you’re leading. With real-time data, site-to-site comparisons, and a complete understanding of each site’s strengths and weakness, you‘re equipped to make smarter decisions. You know what to do and where to do it. And if you want even more detail, it’s also available.

Insight is new technology

Insight is new technology

Insight lets you enjoy the advantages of cloud computing with the elimination of fees for software upgrades and licensing fees. You can access your information from any computer or tablet with an Internet connection at any time, from anywhere. Security and redundant backup are handled by experts and customer support is free.

Insight gives you insight

Insight gives you insight

Insight will reveal essential details about your business. It will give you a richer understanding of your business than you’ve ever had before, and help prioritize your time and focus your efforts. It will let you reward good performance and improve marginal performance.

If you want to reduce your stress, feel smarter and increase your profitability, consider Insight. There is nothing like it.

Take a tour through Insight

Insight management decision program

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